IT Worker With Grudge Jailed

A former Jet2 IT contractor with a grudge has been jailed for a cyber-attack on the company. From a report: Scott Burns, 27, of Queen Street in Morley, Leeds, was jailed for 10 months for his actions, which cost the company $214,000. The attack shut down Jet2’s computer network for 12 hours in January 2018. Burns wanted revenge for the firm’s treatment of him following an incident at a 2017 “Benidorm roadshow,” Leeds Crown Court heard. Details about happened at the event in Benidorm were not outlined in court. The court heard only fast-thinking by one employee at the Leeds-based airline stopped Burns’ actions being a “complete disaster” for Jet2. Burns pleaded guilty to eight counts under the Computer Misuse Act at a previous hearing. Judge Andrew Stubbs QC told Burns: “You intended to cause as much damage to Jet2’s computer system as you could. “This went far beyond being mischievous. This was a revenge attack for a perceived slight you had suffered.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
