Huawei CFO Asks For Extradition Case To Be Stayed, Says US Misled Canada

hackingbear writes: Lawyers for Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies, have applied to a Canadian court seeking stays in the proceedings for her extradition to the United States, documents released on Thursday showed. The applications are based in part on what Meng’s lawyers allege was a destruction of the integrity of the judicial process by United States President Donald Trump and other senior members of the administration by their intention to use Meng “as a bargaining chip in a trade dispute.” As trading with Iran was legal in Canada, the extradition case hinges on whether Meng misled HSBC about Huawei’s relationship with a company operating in Iran, putting HSBC at risk of fines and penalties for breaking U.S. sanctions on Tehran. However, Meng’s lawyers allege that the United States misled Canada about the evidence in the case against her, by “selectively summariz(ing) information and omit(ting) highly relevant information” about the knowledge that Huawei accurately shared with HSBC about its operations in Iran. The omissions are “far below the expected standard of diligence, candor and accuracy,” the lawyers wrote. Meng’s lawyers also cite comments by U.S. President Donald Trump and Canadian PM Trudeau on the case as proof of political interventions. “Trudeau described how he asked the U.S. to include the applicant in any trade deal it signed with China: ‘We’ve said that the United States should not sign a final and complete agreement with China that does not settle the question of Meng Wanzhou and the two Canadians.'” “Where the requesting state engages in conduct that offends our Canadian sense of fair play and decency, the court must intervene to safeguard the integrity of the judicial process. This is such a case,” Meng’s lawyers say in their new submissions.

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