Google Ad Changes Face UK Probe in First Shot at Big Tech

Google is the U.K.’s first big post-Brexit antitrust target as regulators opened a probe into the company’s planned changes to curb publishers’ collection of advertising data. From a report: The Competition and Markets Authority said it’s investigating Google’s so-called privacy sandbox changes that could “undermine the ability of publishers to generate revenue and undermine competition in digital advertising, entrenching Google’s market power.” The probe adds to Google’s legal headaches around the world. The Mountain View, California-based company faces lawsuits from the U.S. Department of Justice and multiple states over allegedly anticompetitive practices. The U.K. probe focuses on Google’s decision last year to phase out third-party cookies that help advertisers monitor customers’ browsing habits and pinpoint the effectiveness of different advertising. Google’s Chrome is the dominant web browser and the changes will be followed by rival products based on Google technology, such as Microsoft’s Edge.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
