Dozens of Current and Former Dropbox Employees Allege Gender Discrimination

More than two dozen Dropbox employees say they’ve witnessed or experienced gender discrimination at the company, an investigation by news outlet VentureBeat has found. From a report: In December 2020, a source familiar with the matter sent VentureBeat a document containing anonymous interviews with 16 current and former Dropbox employees who allege gender discrimination at the cloud computing company. The report alleging discrimination began circulating internally after its author sent it to Dropbox employees throughout North America on December 9. Compiled by a former Dropbox researcher, the report was not commissioned by Dropbox executives and is strongly contested by the company. “When I first read the email, when the report was sent out, I started crying,” Source 1, who said she had experienced discrimination with regard to promotion at Dropbox, told VentureBeat. “I was frustrated and almost livid that so many other people were experiencing it, too. I really hoped that my personal experience was a one-off, and it was jarring and really upsetting to see so many things that could have been my story.” The subjects of the report alleging discrimination point to examples such as “changing standards for promotions, unequal compensation, being set back in their careers after maternity leave, and experiencing retribution when they take their cases to HR.” The report also detailed instances of alleged harassment and demotion after employees filed a complaint with Dropbox HR or returned to work following maternity leave. Internal communications VentureBeat obtained indicate that more than a dozen Dropbox employees agreed with the report’s conclusions.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
