19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast

On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we continue our take on the almost unbelievable story of two women who claim they were abducted and trained by the CIA when they were children. While the story takes some strange turns the conclusion is more disturbing that you can imagine. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+… Continue reading 19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast

Multiple UFOs and a Crop Circle Appear in Venezuela During Electrical Blackout

Power outages are nothing new in Venezuela – they seem to be happening weekly and often occur cross multiple states. UFO sightings over Venezuela are infrequent but happening more often, but it still seems improbable that a recent one recorded on video by a motorist in the state of Trujillo is related to the blackout… Continue reading Multiple UFOs and a Crop Circle Appear in Venezuela During Electrical Blackout

The Mysterious Lake Monster of Turkey

Sprawled out just south of Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey is the country’s largest lake, called Van Gölü Canavarı, or more commonly just Lake Van. It is an impressive body of water, covering a surface area of 3,775 km, 119 kilometers across its widest point, and with a maximum depth of 451 meters, and it… Continue reading The Mysterious Lake Monster of Turkey

Wolverine’s healing may soon become a reality

The extreme healing of the adamantium-clawed comic book mutant may not be as far fetched as it seems. While Wolverine’s ability to heal practically an… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/326487/wolverines-healing-may-soon-become-a-reality

Categorized as Weird News

Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent

Aaron Kesel, Contributor Waking Times A small town in northwestern Iowa called Ida Grove has voted to end treating its city’s drinking water with fluoride. The Ida Grove City Council voted to halt fluoride treatment in the city’s water supply, the Sioux City Journal reported. The move comes after city leaders and residents challenged whether… Continue reading Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent

‘Sleeping Beauty’ naps for weeks at a time

A woman with a rare sleeping disorder can sometimes spend weeks sleeping up to 22 hours a day. 21-year-old Rhoda Rodriguez-Diaz suffers from an extrem… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/326497/sleeping-beauty-naps-for-weeks-at-a-time

Categorized as Weird News

NASA reveals details of Mars 2020 helicopter

The tiny chopper is set to become the first man-made aerial vehicle to fly through the skies of another world. Flying a helicopter on Mars is particul… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/326498/nasa-reveals-details-of-mars-2020-helicopter