Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended By You

Benjamin Franklin quote

Benjamin Franklin used the 5-hour rule as the recipe for his success: Every week, he would dedicate 5 hours to learning something new.

A few weeks ago we asked if you were up for the 5-hour challenge and you blew us away with your response. You didn’t just tell us, you showed us the results of your dedication.

You shared the inspiration that keeps you going after a long day, the places where you make time to learn, and your new discoveries. You showed us how fun learning can be.

Like Hannah who built her own course collection on her journey to launch a sustainable fashion brand. Or Augo who built his own personal syllabus to ignite creativity. And Danielle, who chipped away at the Google IT Professional Support Certificate each night after putting her daughter to bed and is using what she’s learning to advance her IT career. Or Heba, who has translated more than 1 million words into Arabic as part of the Coursera Global Translator Community.

Every day, you’re showing us new possibilities.

left: Karina; middle: Donald; right: Merlis

Whether you’ve already completed dozens of courses like Emmanuel or you’re just getting started with the thrill of learning anytime, anywhere, we’re glad you’re a part of the Coursera Community. 

Emmanuel’s Certificate collection

We know that the joy of learning doesn’t stop there. With more than 3,500 courses to discover, sometimes it can be a challenge to pinpoint what you want to learn next. So we asked you to share some of your favorite hidden gems and you didn’t disappoint! 

Discover your next passion with one of these hidden gems:

  1. A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment by ISB
    • Learn the “7 Deadly Happiness Sins” and the “7 Habits of the Highly Happy” 
  2. Creative Writing by Wesleyan University
    • Discover how to craft a story that will catch someone’s interest from beginning to end.
  3. De-Mystifying Mindfulness by Universiteit Leiden
    • What is mindfulness and what are its benefits? Try it out with specially designed ‘meditation labs.’ 
  4. Design Thinking for Innovation by the University of Virginia
    • Innovation is everyone’s business – see how to do more with less.
  5. Feminism and Social Justice by UC Santa Cruz
    • Understand the history of feminism and social justice from the Empire Zinc strike of 1951 to the modern day #MeToo movement.
  6. Genes and the Human Condition: From Behavior to Biotechnology by the University of Maryland
    • Did your genes make you do it? Learn the role genes play in our behavior.
  7. Graphic Design by CalArts
    • Learn by doing with a branding project suitable for a professional portfolio.
  8. Introduction to Public Speaking by the University of Washington
    • Conquer your fear of public speaking with real-world tips you can use.
  9. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by McMaster University
    • Identify tools you can use to do more than you might have ever dreamed.
  10. Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics by Leiden University 
    • Language is everywhere! Uncover the miracle behind something you use every day.
  11. Model Thinking by the University of Michigan
    • See how models can help you think better.
  12. Psychological First Aid by Johns Hopkins University
    • Become an expert in promoting personal and community resilience.
  13. Roman Architecture by Yale University
    • Take a virtual tour of one of the greatest empires in history!

Did we miss one of your favorites? Or is there something you learned that you can’t wait to share? Help us continue to celebrate the joy of learning using #ThrillYourMind and @Coursera. 

The post Hidden Gems: Courses Recommended By You appeared first on Coursera Blog.
