Strangers in the Night: Mind-Control & UFOs

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI has declassified thousands of pages of material on L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology. One of those documents references a letter that Hubbard penned to the FBI. It dealt with something very strange, indeed. According to the FBI, Hubbard said that on February 23, 1951, “… about two or three o’clock in the morning his apartment was entered. He was knocked out. A needle was thrust into his heart to produce a coronary thrombosis and he was given an electric shock. He said his recollection of this incident was now very blurred, that he had no witnesses and that the only other person who had a key to the apartment was his wife.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Moving on, there’s the strange story of Kenneth Goff. A one-time communist, he’s portrayed in now-released FBI papers of May 1955 as “a self-styled freelance Evangelist who for the past number of years has been speaking around the U.S. regarding the threat of communism to the U.S.” Lectures that Goff routinely delivered to interested parties included: Treason in our State Department; Should we use the Atom Bomb?; Red Secret Plot for Seizure of Denver; and Do the Reds Plan to Come by Alaska? As the FBI additionally noted: “Also, some of the titles of Goff’s books, which he publishes voluminously are: ‘Will Russia Invade America?’, ‘One World, A Red World’, and ‘Confessions of Stalin’s Agent.’”

In the same year that Hubbard was hit with a needle, Goff also got a visit – and also in the middle of the night. It came from a character who pumped his, Goff’s, arm full of mind-expanding chemicals. A smartly dressed human-looking alien appeared before an astonished Goff, or so he claimed, at least. It was an E.T. that wished Goff to spread the word that (a) communism was a very bad thing; and that (b) E.T. hated Reds. Goff might have been an odd character, but he was most certainly no fool. After the strange figure vanished and Goff finally regained all of his senses, he recognized it simply could not have been a coincidence that he, of all people – with a fairly significant background in matters of a communist nature – should have been warned about the perils of communism. Goff strongly doubted that the stranger in the night really was an extraterrestrial. Rather, Goff came to a very different conclusion:

Coupled with his well-publicized fears about chemicals being introduced into the water-supply to affect the mindset of the American populace, Goff – perhaps very astutely – came to believe that he had been targeted by some government agency that had, at its heart, a program involving (a) the creation of fabricated UFO-themed events; (b) the use of drugs (and needles) to instill altered states in the targeted individuals; and (c) a bigger picture of widespread manipulation and control of the populace via hoaxed UFO events. As Goff said in his 1959 publication, Red Shadows: “During the past few years, the flying saucer scare has rapidly become one of the main issues, used by organizations working for a one-world government, to frighten people into the belief that we will need a super world government to cope with an invasion from another planet. Many means are being used to create a vast amount of imagination in the minds of the general public, concerning the possibilities of an invasion by strange creatures from Mars or Venus.”

He added: “This drive began early in the 40’s, with a radio drama, put on by Orson Welles, which caused panic in many of the larger cities of the East, and resulted in the death of several people. The Orson Welles program of invasion from Mars was used by the Communist Party as a test to find out how the people would react on instructions given out over the radio. It was an important part of the Communist rehearsal for the Revolution.”

Interestingly, in the following year a man named Karl Hunrath – who, like Goff, also hailed from Wisconsin – had a very similar experience to that of Hubbard and Goff. In July 1952 Hunrath complained to his local police department about something sinister. In the early hours of a Sunday morning, someone – a man dressed in a black suit, no less – broke into Hunrath’s home, and injected his arm full of chemicals. It rendered him into a distinctly altered state of mind. Hunrath, the MIB/alien said, had been chosen to play a significant role in the alien mission on Earth. A very groggy Hunrath could only look on amazed from his bed as the somewhat foreign-sounding – but perfectly human-appearing – alien told him: “I am Bosco. You have been chosen to enter our brotherhood of galaxies.”

The suit-and-tie-wearing Bosco advised Hunrath that the space brothers from beyond were deeply worried by our warlike ways, and so, as a result, action had to be taken against those dastardly elements of the Human Race that wanted to spoil everyone else’s fun. There was not to be any The Day the Earth Stood Still-style ultimatum for one and all, however. No: The aliens wished to recruit sympathetic humans to aid their righteous cause. Hunrath, like Hubbard and Goff, had a fascination for alien life/UFOs. Rather notably, on November 10, 1953, Hunrath, with a colleague named Wilbur Wilkinson, vanished. The pair took to the skies in a small, two-seat plane, from a small California airport. Neither of them were ever seen again.

Three men, all having a deep interest in the issue of alien life. All hit in the night by needles. All in roughly the same time-frame. And, all with a connection to theories concerning extraterrestrials and UFOs. My view on all of this? I would not be at all surprised if some strange, early MKUltra type operation was at work, seeking to see how easy it might be to screw with the human mind.
