Mysterious Ongoing Oil Spill is Already Brazil’s Worst on Record

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It’s already being called the worst oil spill in Brazil’s history, and no one knows where the oil is coming from or how to stop it. First appearing in September, crude oil began washing up on the country’s north-eastern beaches, and to date over 1200 miles of Brazil’s most idyllic and picturesque beaches with have been affected.

Molecular analysis of oil samples indicate that it is most likely not from Brazil, and while natural oil spills are not uncommon, the sheer amount of oil seen is more consistent with an industrial accident, perhaps a shipping incident. Some are speculating that the oil is from Venezuela, however there is not yet confirmation of this. Already the Brazilian government has documented the collection of over 600 tons of oil.

“This week Hamilton Mourão, the country’s vice president, announced he was dispatching 5,000 troops to the northeast to give more “more visibility” to the government’s response.

Mr Mourão said the government had recovered 600 tons of oil, the equivalent of almost 4,300 barrels, calling the accident “unprecedented in the world”. [Source]

[The rest of the article is sourced below]

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