More People Are Coming Forward With Ghostly Images Captured On Google Maps

Many people around the world use Google Maps for upcoming trips or to look at different locations around Earth. But can you image searching for a location and finding a ghostly apparition at that spot? Well, that’s exactly what happened to numerous Google Maps users and more people are coming forward with their eerie-looking findings.

The following four reports are from people who say they saw ghostly images when searching through Google Maps.

One user was looking at Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion when she noticed an apparition of an older woman standing underneath a chandelier. The elderly woman, who was illuminated by the chandelier in the photo, was wearing a black dress and cap. The user uploaded the photo to her Twitter account with the caption, “Why is there a ghost cast member on Google Maps, what is happening?” Click here to see the picture.

Ghostly apparition (not the ones mentioned in this article)

A ghost girl – which eerily resembled a doll – was spotted in the town of Delicias in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The blonde girl with pale skin and dark eyes was standing behind a red car and appeared to be looking at the camera. The picture has been widely shared and there have been some mixed reactions from people. While some believe that it’s proof of a ghost, others suggest that either someone put a doll behind the car or that it’s a poster hanging on the door. You can see the picture for yourself by clicking here.

An odd picture of an unexplained image in an apartment building was taken in Seoul, South Korea. After zooming in on the photo, Jesi Alvarez uploaded it to Twitter and wrote, “I was looking at Google Maps earlier today, and while I was moving around the area I noticed this. It kinda looks like a pink hair bow that is hanging, but it mostly looks like a really creepy face. What the heck is that? It’s so weird. Do you see it?” You can judge for yourself by checking out the picture here.

Ghostly apparition (not the ones mentioned in this article)

Perhaps one of the most terrifying photos captured on Google Maps is the ghostly image seen in front of a house in Lawrence, Indiana. At first glance, it just looks like a normal house at the end of a cul-de-sac, but when you take a closer look, you can see a creepy looking apparition. The demon-looking child apparition looks as though it has green skin and dark hair. Its hands are tucked away while it is looking directly into the camera. Colton Keasey posted the photo on Twitter with the caption, “I was looking something up and someone please tell me why there is a little ghost girl in front of my grandparents’ house, I swear this is directly from Google Maps!” You can see the creepy apparition by clicking here.

These are just a few of the frightening examples of what people have found when searching homes and other buildings on Google Maps. I think more people will be a little more apprehensive about searching for their own homes on Google Maps as they may see something – or someone – make a ghostly appearance.
