Zoom Will Enable Waiting Rooms By Default To Stop Zoombombing

Zoom is making some much-needed changes to prevent “Zoombombing,” a term used to describe when someone successfully invades a public or private meeting over the videoconferencing platform to broadcast shock videos, pornography, or other disruptive content. The act was recently mentioned on the Department of Justice’s website, warning that users who engage in this sort of video hacking could face fines…

SpaceX Bans Zoom Over Privacy Concerns

Elon Musk’s rocket company SpaceX has banned its employees from using video conferencing app Zoom, citing “significant privacy and security concerns,” according to a memo seen by Reuters, days after U.S. law enforcement warned users about the security of the popular app. From a report: SpaceX’s ban on Zoom Video illustrates the mounting challenges facing aerospace manufacturers as they develop technology…

A Feature on Zoom Secretly Displayed Data From People’s LinkedIn Profiles

After an inquiry from The New York Times reporters, Zoom said it would disable a data-mining feature that could be used to snoop on participants during meetings without their knowledge. From a report: For Americans sheltering at home during the coronavirus pandemic, the Zoom videoconferencing platform has become a lifeline, enabling millions of people to easily keep in touch with family…

Ex-NSA Hacker Drops New Zero-Day Doom for Zoom

Zoom’s troubled year just got worse. From a report: Now that a large portion of the world is working from home to ride out the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom’s popularity has rocketed, but also has led to an increased focus on the company’s security practices and privacy promises. Hot on the heels of two security researchers finding a Zoom bug that can…

Remote City Council Meeting Interrupted By Pornographic Videos

Friday’s first-ever remote meeting for the Los Angeles City Council had to shut down for 20 minutes because of pranksters posting “pornographic videos”. The Los Angeles Daily News has the story:
Council President Nury Martinez called a recess about an hour into the meeting, which is centered around a Los Angeles-centric relief package for workers, renters and homeless people during the public…

Doc Searls: ‘Zoom Needs to Clean Up Its Privacy Act’

The former editor-in-chief of the Linux Journal just published an annotated version of Zoom’s privacy policy. Searls calls it “creepily chummy with the tracking-based advertising biz (also called adtech).
I’ll narrow my inquiry down to the “Does Zoom sell Personal Data?” section of the privacy policy, which was last updated on March 18. The section runs two paragraphs, and I’ll comment on…

School Quits Video Calls After Naked Man ‘Guessed’ the Meeting Link

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: A school in Norway has stopped using popular video conferencing service Whereby after a naked man apparently “guessed” the link to a video lesson. According to Norwegian state broadcaster NRK, the man exposed himself in front of several young children over the video call. The theory, according to the report, is that the…

SEC Pauses Zoom Technologies Trading Because People Think It’s Zoom Video

The Securities and Exchange Commission suspended trading of Zoom Technologies on Thursday, partly because investors are confusing it with Zoom Video, which has seen a surge share price due to COVID-19. It will resume trading April 9. From a report: Zoom Video, which provides videoconferencing services and trades under the ticker symbol “ZM,” is a key component for many businesses shifting…

Linus Torvalds Shares His Tips On Working Remotely

Linus Torvalds tells ZDNet what he’s learned about working remotely:
Torvalds admits that when he started, “I worried about missing human interaction — not just talking to people in the office and hallways, but going out to lunch etc. It turns out I never really missed it.” Of course, just saying “‘don’t be social’ isn’t much of a great tip, is it?”…

Moving online: What you can implement now

By Linlin Xia and Alexandra Urban, Teaching & Learning Team, Coursera Online, live sessions provide effective synchronous learning opportunities and create a space to engage with your students while remote. In particular, live events are optimal for: Mastering content that requires students’ active participation in collaborative problem solving Fostering peer-to-peer interaction, especially when distance or […]
The post Moving online: What you…