Is this the world’s tiniest reptile?

Meet the nano-chameleon, a new contender for the title of world’s smallest reptile Source:…

Robert May, Former UK Chief Scientist and Chaos Theory Pioneer, Dies Aged 84

Pioneering Australian scientist Robert May, whose work in biology led to the development of chaos theory, has died at age 84. The Guardian reports: Known as one of Australia’s most accomplished scientists, he served as the chief scientific adviser to the United Kingdom, was president of the Royal Society, and was made a lord in 2001. Born in Sydney on January…

Scientists Create ‘Xenobots’ — Virtual Creatures Brought to Life

“If the last few decades of progress in artificial intelligence and in molecular biology hooked up, their love child — a class of life unlike anything that has ever lived — might resemble the dark specks doing lazy laps around a petri dish in a laboratory at Tufts University.” The New York Times reports on a mind-boggling living machine that’s programmable…

Procyon is the Little Dog Star

The Dog Star, Sirius, is easy to spot because it’s the sky’s brightest star. Procyon – the other Dog Star – is near its brighter brother on the sky’s dome. Source:…

Zombie ants

Meet the parasitic fungi that take control of living insects. Source:…