Large ionized bubble around NGC 5585 X-1 investigated in detail

An international team of astronomers have conducted a detailed study of a large ionized bubble an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in the galaxy NGC 5585. Results of the research, presented in a paper published December 7 on, provide more insights into the nature of this bubble. Source:…

The Milky Way’s black hole burped out two colossal X-ray bubbles

Astronomers have found a pair of enormous bubbles of X-rays, above and below the Milky Way, which were probably created by our galaxy’s supermassive black hole Source:…

Thermonuclear type-I X-ray bursts detected from MAXI J1807+132

An international team of astronomers has investigated an X-ray binary system known as MAXI J1807+132, using the NICER instrument aboard the International Space Station (ISS). They now report the detection of three thermonuclear type-I X-ray bursts from this source. The finding is reported in a paper published November 20 on Source:…

New transient ultraluminous X-ray source detected in the galaxy NGC 7090

An international team of astronomers has identified a new ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in the galaxy NGC 7090. The object, designated NGC 7090 ULX3, was found using NASA’s Swift spacecraft. The finding is detailed in a paper published November 17 on the arXiv pre-print repository. Source:…

Quantum X-ray microscope in development

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have begun building a quantum-enhanced X-ray microscope at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II). This groundbreaking microscope, supported by the Biological and Environmental Research progam at DOE’s Office of Science, will enable researchers to image biomolecules like never before. …

X-ray and radio bursts detected from magnetar 1E 1547.0–5408

An international team of astronomers has conducted simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the magnetar 1E 1547.0–5408 during its period of enhanced activity. In result, new X-ray and radio bursts were detected from this source. The finding is reported in a paper published November 12 on Source:…

Cosmic furnace seen by X-ray observatory

This burst of color shows a fascinating discovery: a galaxy cluster acting as a cosmic furnace. The cluster is heating the material within to hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius—well over 25 times hotter than the core of the sun. Source:…

Three high-redshift quasars detected by Chandra

Using NASA’s Chandra spacecraft, astronomers have discovered three new ultraviolet-bright radio-quiet quasars at high redshift and measured their basic X-ray properties. The newly found quasi-stellar object turns out to be the brightest in UV among the known high-redshift radio-quiet quasars. The finding is presented in a paper published November 2 on Source:…