OpenBSD Mail Server Bug Allowed Remotely Executing Shell Commands As Root

This week a remotely-exploitable vulnerability (granting root privileges) was discovered in OpenSMTPD (OpenBSD’s implementation of server-side SMTP). ZDNet notes that the library’s “portable” version “has also been incorporated into other OSes, such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, and some Linux distros, such as Debian, Fedora, Alpine Linux, and more.”
To exploit this issue, an attacker must craft and send malformed SMTP messages to a…

A Widespread BlueKeep ‘Exploit’ Is Targetting Unpatched Windows 7/XP Computers

An anonymous reader quotes Forbes:
When Microsoft issued the first patch in years for Windows XP in May 2019, you knew that something big was brewing. That something was a wormable Windows vulnerability that security experts warned could have a similar impact as the WannaCry worm from 2017. The BlueKeep vulnerability exists in unpatched versions of Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows…

Grow a Vertical Garden [Chapter7] Homestead Handbook

Grow a Vertical Garden and save space on your homestead. Follow these backyard gardening tips to start your very own vertical garden, and enjoy all the fresh vegetables it will produce in minimal space. You are reading Chapter 7 of our gardening series in The Homestead Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Own Backyard…Continue Reading
The post Grow a Vertical Garden…

540-million-year-old worm was first segmented animal that could move

An extinct creature that resembled a cross between an earthworm and a millipede is the oldest known segmented animal able to move under its own power Source:…

Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line

If you go by cartoons and T-shirts, you might think evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a preordained finish line. But evolution has no endpoint in mind. Source:…

China Drone Attack on Crop-Eating ‘Monster’ Shows 98% Kill Rate

An army of drones deployed to fight a crop-devouring pest in a southern area of China has recorded a mortality rate of as high as 98%, according to the manufacturer. From a report: XAG, a Guangzhou-based drone maker, teamed up with Germany’s Bayer Crop Science in a drone swarm operation to kill the fall armyworm in China’s Guangxi region. The autonomous…

Worm robot could wiggle its way through arteries in the brain

A tiny worm robot can be controlled by magnets to wiggle through arteries in a model brain. It could one day be used to make brain surgery less invasive Source:…