Firefox Raises Its Bug Bounties to $10,000

“We’re updating our bug bounty policy and payouts to make it more appealing to researchers and reflect the more hardened security stance we adopted after moving to a multi-process, sandboxed architecture,” reports the Mozilla security blog:
Besides rewarding duplicate submissions, we’re clarifying our payout criteria and raising the payouts for higher impact bugs. Now, sandbox escapes and related bugs will be eligible…

World’s oldest human DNA found in 800,000-year-old tooth of a cannibal

A protein analysis of an 800,000-year-old tooth suggests the supposed cannibal species Homo antecessor was only distantly related to humans and Neanderthals. Source:

Ancient well may be the world’s oldest wooden architectural structure

An oak-lined well unearthed in the Czech Republic is made of wood felled more than 7000 years ago – and some of the timber might have been recycled from an earlier structure Source:…

World’s oldest material is older than the Earth

Scientists have identified the oldest material ever to make it onto our planet – and it even predates the Sun. In a recent study, Philipp Heck – a geo… Source:…

Fossil trees reveal world’s oldest forest grew on New York mountains

Fossilised tree roots found in a New York quarry are 386 million years old, making them the remains of the oldest known forest yet Source:…