World’s oldest mammoth DNA recovered

Scientists have extracted DNA from the teeth of mammoths that roamed the Earth 1.2 million years ago. The prehistoric DNA samples, which were recovere… Source:…

The world’s oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about ‘seven sisters’ stars may reach back 100,000 years

In the northern sky in December is a beautiful cluster of stars known as the Pleiades, or the “seven sisters.” Look carefully and you will probably count six stars. So why do we say there are seven of them? Source:…

Researchers Found the Manual For the World’s Oldest Surviving Computer

Researchers will be able to gain a deeper understanding of what’s considered the world’s oldest surviving (digital) computer after its long-lost user manual was unearthed. Engadget reports: The Z4, which was built in 1945, runs on tape, takes up most of a room and needs several people to operate it. The machine now takes residence at the Deutsches Museum in Munich,…

Japan Acted Like the Virus Had Gone. Now It’s Spread Everywhere.

After initial success, Japan is facing a reality check on the coronavirus. From a report: The country garnered global attention after containing the first wave of Covid-19 with what it referred to as the “Japan Model” — limited testing and no lockdown, nor any legal means to force businesses to close. The country’s finance minister even suggested a higher “cultural standard”…