How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin

Creating your own worm composting bin is a great addition to your homestead. It is affordable, low-maintenance, and very easy to make. It can help you decompost your food scraps organically. Plus, it can also give you rich and nutritious soil that can help your plants grow faster. To get you moving, we prepared five…Continue Reading
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5G Virus Conspiracy Theory Fueled By Coordinated Effort

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: A conspiracy theory linking 5G technology to the outbreak of the coronavirus is quickly gaining momentum, with celebrities including actor Woody Harrelson promoting the idea. But the theory is also getting a boost from what some researchers say is a coordinated disinformation campaign. Marc Owen Jones, a researcher at Hamad bin Khalifa University…

Suspicion and Anger Towards Microsoft Rises After Windows 10 Search Failure

Earlier this week, searching in Windows 10 was broken, “with a black bar showing where search results should be, even for those who tried to perform a local search of their files.” Microsoft issued a fix and blamed the issue on a “third-party networking fiber provider”. But unfortunately, Microsoft’s fix isn’t working for everyone — and that’s just the beginning. Long-time…

Remains of Earth’s oldest forest found in New York

Scientists found fossilized root systems of ancient trees – from what’s now Earth’s oldest known forest – near Cairo, New York. They looked “surprisingly modern,” the scientists said. Source:…

Google Researchers Taught An AI To Recognize Smells

In a paper published on Arxiv, researchers from the Google Brain Team explain how they’re training AI to recognize smells. Engadget reports: The researchers created a data set of nearly 5,000 molecules identified by perfumers, who labeled the molecules with descriptions ranging from “buttery” to “tropical” and “weedy.” The team used about two-thirds of the data set to train its AI…

World’s Largest Plant Survey Reveals Alarming Extinction Rate

The world’s seed-bearing plants have been disappearing at a rate of nearly 3 species a year since 1900 — which is up to 500 times higher than would be expected as a result of natural forces alone, according to the largest survey yet of plant extinctions. From a report: The project looked at more than 330,000 species and found that plants…

Why super-sized beavers went extinct

Super-sized beavers were as big as black bears. They suddenly became extinct 10,000 years ago, while small modern beavers survived. Now scientists know why. Source:…

Google Images + Facial Recognition Find Thief Who Looked Like Woody Harrelson

“The New York Police Department used a photo of Woody Harrelson in its facial recognition program in an attempt to identify a beer thief who looked like the actor,” reports the Associated Press:
Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology highlighted the April 2017 episode in “Garbage In, Garbage Out,” a report on what it says are flawed practices in law enforcement’s…