Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou To Run For President of Taiwan

hackingbear writes: Terry Gou, the billionaire founder of electronics giant Foxconn, is stepping down from his role as chairman to run for president of Taiwan. Taiwan broke off from mainland China in 1949 after a civil war and is officially known as Republic of China; its legal territory still covers all of China. He will stand in the primaries of the…

“Mini Mothman” Reportedly Hits Truck Windshield in Wisconsin

“A large flying man with ten-foot wings.”   “A six- or seven-foot-tall, white creature with red eyes and large wings.”   “About 7 feet tall, its wings folded against its back.” Mothman Statue in Point Pleasant (Wikipedia) Those descriptions and others of the creature that has become known as the Mothman make it worthy of… Continue reading “Mini Mothman” Reportedly Hits Truck Windshield in Wisconsin

Editorial Observer: Everyone’s Income Taxes Should Be Public

Disclosure of tax payments would make it easier to hold politicians accountable. It also would help to reduce fraud and economic inequality. Source:…

Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

For those accustomed to short, blurry videos of alleged UFOs with little or no explanation of the location, circumstances, names of witnesses, amounts of adult beverages consumed, etc, a video posted this week of a UFO over Lake Michigan is a breath of fresh air … or at least as fresh as the air might… Continue reading Mysterious UFOs Return to Manitowoc and the Lake Michigan Triangle

Wisconsin, Ground Zero for 2020 Politics, Looks Like a Tossup Again

For Democrats, an intense effort to rebuild their Midwestern “blue wall” for 2020 is showing gains in Michigan and Pennsylvania. But Wisconsin looks up for grabs. Source: