How Karen is Updating Her Medical Knowledge on Coursera

Karen is a registered nurse working at a school in Wisconsin. She took courses on Coursera to update her medical knowledge and provide the best possible care for her students. “Courses on Coursera helped me realize the breadth of knowledge that’s available and helped me rediscover the love of learning.” 2012 B.C. (Before Coursera) I […]
The post How Karen is Updating…

1st quarter moon is May 11-12

The 1st quarter moon comes on May 12 at 1:12 UTC. At European and American time zones, you’ll find it high up at sunset on May 10 and 11. It appears nearly or completely half-illuminated, like half a pie. Source:…

Yes, the Internet is destroying our collective attention span


More on the Matter of Supernatural Monsters & Creatures

Well, in the wake of the publication of my 2-part article on the U.K.’s “Alien Big Cats” phenomenon, a number of people have contacted me asking something along the lines of: “Does this mean you think all creatures that fall under the banner of Cryptozoology are supernatural?” The answer to that question is “No, I… Read more » Source:…

Trump denounces anti-Semitism one day after defending Charlottesville marchers


Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects

Buddhists across the world pray for the Sri Lanka church-bombing victims and US senators pay a visit to Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

At a town hall, Elizabeth Warren had to explain why a woman is electable. Twice.


Why observe Earth Day on April 22?

April 22 is the date of Earth Day in part because of Arbor Day, an earlier observance. The focus of Earth Day 2019 is protection of Earth species. Source:…

Schools keep teaching slavery and civil rights history in ways that traumatize black students


Wisconsin Is Fighting to Renegotiate Its Foxconn Deal

Foxconn’s controversial plant in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin has faced resistance from the beginning. Now, Governor Evers is calling on the tech-manufacturing company to renegotiate.Source:…