Summer Triangle in northern autumn

In late November and early December, look west in the evening for the Summer Triangle. It’s made of the 3 bright stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – in 3 different constellations. Source:…

Hamal is an ancient equinox star

It’s not a super-noticeable star, but Hamal is the brightest star in Aries the Ram and can be found fairly easily. Plus Hamal has a special place in the history of the Earth and sky. Source:…

Arctic ice loss exposes sea mammals to deadly virus

Scientists have linked melting Arctic sea ice to the emergence of a deadly virus among sea lions, ice seals, sea otters and other marine mammals. Source:…

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

Use Big Dipper to find star Capella

You’ve heard of the “pointer” stars of the Big Dipper? They point to the North Star. You can also use them to find the star Capella, aka the Goat Star. Source:…

Come to know the Pleiades, or 7 Sisters

At this time of year, for all of us around the globe, the Pleiades star cluster culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – around midnight. Source:…

Curiosity’s ‘mind-boggling’ new Mars mystery: oxygen

Scientists are still trying to figure out where Mars’ methane comes from. Now there’s a new mystery that might be connected: unusual fluctuations of oxygen in Mars’ atmosphere, detected by the Curiosity rover. Source:…

Awesome nightscape photos from New Mexico’s Very Large Array

Observatories make great locales for nightscape photography. Tips from an astrophotographer’s trip to the Very Large Array in New Mexico to help you plan an observatory astrophotography adventure – plus awesome photos. Source:…

All you need to know: The famous Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is a place where new stars are being born. It can be glimpsed with the eye alone … and is even more noticeable with binoculars. How to find it in your sky tonight. Plus … the science of this star factory in space. Source:…

Ultimate Tree Care Guide For Homesteading

If  you want to plant and grow your own trees this year then you’re in luck. This Tree Care Guide infographic is everything you’ve hoped for and more. Check it out below! Tree Care Guide Trees complete any homestead. They give shade, fruit and creates a great ambiance altogether. But did you know that there’s…Continue Reading
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