Chemical signature of Malbec wines backs up concept of ‘terroir’

Chemical analysis supports the idea that the combination of local environment and winemaking practices gives wines a unique flavour – which could help prevent wine fraud Source:…

Greeks domesticated grapes about 4000 years ago to improve wine-making

We know that the ancient Greeks made wine as early as 4300 BC, but a new analysis of preserved seeds suggests grapes were domesticated around 2000 BC Source:…

Google Employees Try Baking Recipes Created by AI

“Behold the cakie: It has the crispiness of a cookie and the, well, ‘cakiness’ of a cake.” So says a triumphant blog post by Google Cloud’s developer advocate and an applied AI Engineer for Google’s Cloud AI. “We also made breakies, which were more like fluffy cookies, almost the consistency of a muffin” (or bread). Food and Wine explains the project…

Cheers! French wine, vines headed home after year in space

The International Space Station bid adieu Tuesday to 12 bottles of French Bordeaux wine and hundreds of snippets of grapevines that spent a year orbiting the world in the name of science. Source:…

‘I Tried the World’s First No-Kill, Lab-Grown Chicken Burger’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: PhD in genetics might seem like an unusual requirement for the role of head chef. It makes more sense when the man running the kitchen is not just in charge of frying your chicken burger — he created the meat himself. “This burger takes something between two to three days to grow,”…

Windows XP Source Code Leaked

Artem S. Tashkinov writes: Gizmodo Australia reports: On Thursday, users on 4chan posted what they claimed was the source code of Windows XP. Posting an image of a screenshot allegedly of the source code in front of Window’s XP iconic Bliss background, one user wrote ‘sooooo Windows XP Source code leaked’. Another Redditor helpfully has uploaded the code as a torrent,…

Moderate Drinking May Improve Cognitive Health for Older Adults, Study Says

“A new study found low to moderate drinking may improve cognitive function for White middle-aged or older adults,” reports CNN: The findings support prior research which found that, generally, one standard drink a day for women and two a day for men — which is the US guidance — appears to offer some cognitive benefits… “There is now a lot of…

We now know what causes wine ‘legs’ to drip down inside a glass

Wine tears – the drops that form inside a glass after wine is swirled in a glass – are caused by the formation of an unstable shock wave Source:…