Cyberattackers Now Also Make Linux Versions of Their Ransomware

“Security firm Kaspersky said Friday that it discovered a Linux version of the RansomEXX ransomware,” reports ZDNet, “marking the first time a major Windows ransomware strain has been ported to Linux to aid in targeted intrusions.” RansomEXX is a relatively new ransomware strain that was first spotted earlier this year in June. The ransomware has been used in attacks against the…

New Windows 10 Update Permanently Removes Adobe Flash

Microsoft has released a Windows update that removes Adobe’s Flash Player before it reaches end of support on December 31, 2020. ZDNet reports: Update KB4577586 is part of Microsoft’s effort to follow through with plans it announced along with Adobe, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Mozilla in 2017 to end support for Flash by December 2020. The Flash-removing update is available for…

ZDNet Argues Linux-Based Windows ‘Makes Perfect Sense’

Last week open-source advocate Eric S. Raymond argued Microsoft was quietly switching over to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. “He’s on to something,” says ZDNet’s contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
I’ve long thought that Microsoft was considering migrating the Windows interface to running on the Linux kernel. Why…? [Y]ou can run standard Linux programs now on WSL2 without any trouble. That’s…