Singapore Becomes First Country To Use Facial Verification For a National ID Service

“Singapore will be the first country in the world to use facial verification in its national identity scheme,” reports the BBC: The biometric check will give Singaporeans secure access to both private and government services. The government’s technology agency says it will be “fundamental” to the country’s digital economy. It has been trialled with a bank and is now being rolled…

Is Slashdot the Answer to Facebook’s Fake News Problem?

David Collier-Brown led the Sun Microsystems Canada team specializing in performance and capacity planning. He later becoming a consulting systems programmer and performance engineer, as well as an O’Reilly author (co-authoring the 2003 book Using Samba). He’s also davecb, Slashdot reader #6,526, and today submitted a story headlined “Slashdot is the answer to Facebook’s ‘fake news’ problem.” “OK, not the whole…

CNET Remembers 1995, the Year Hollywood Finally Noticed The Internet

CNET is celebrating its 25th anniversary with articles remembering the 1990s — including that moment “when Hollywood finally noticed the web,” calling it “a flawed but fun snapshot of the moment the internet took over the world…” “Twenty-five years ago, cinema met cyberspace in a riot of funky fashion, cool music and surveillance paranoia. It began in May 1995 with the…

71-Year-Old William Gibson Explores ‘Existing Level of Weirdness’ For New Dystopian SciFi Novel

71-year-old science fiction author William Gibson coined the word “cyberspace” in his 1984 novel Neuromancer. 36 years later he’s back with an even more dystopian future in his new novel Agency. But in a surprisingly candid interview in the Daily Beast, Gibson says he prefers watching emerging new technologies first because “To use it is to be changed by it; you’re…

William Gibson’s Agency drops time-travel paradoxes for big questions

William Gibson’s Agency is part of a new batch of sci-fi that adds intriguing ethical wrinkles to the classic time-travel genre, says columnist Sally Adee Source:…