Solar farms could be wildlife havens that tackle biodiversity crisis

UK’s solar farms could provide habitats and food for wildlife, says a new report – but critics worry that planned larger farms will be less wildlife-friendly Source:…

Sony Builds IoT Chip With a 60-Mile Range

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Engadget: Sony is quietly launching a chip that could change how e-bikes, cars, street lamps and all kinds of other connected devices can relay information. The module, when installed on any IoT object, will allow it send data to Sony’s proprietary low-power wide area (LPWA) ELTRES network launching this fall. It can transmit up…

The average animal will be 10 per cent smaller in the next century

Destroying habitats, poaching wildlife and changing the climate will cause mammals and birds to experience “substantial ecological downsizing” over the next 100 years. Source:…

Putting a bird feeder in your garden really does help wildlife

A long term study in the UK suggests that in urban areas, populations of birds that use bird feeders have increased while those of other species remain unchanged Source:…

Microplastics found in remote Pyrenees Mountains

Microplastic particles – too small for the human eye to see – were blown into the once pristine region by the wind, according to a new study. Source:…

These award-winning photographs capture rarely seen wildlife and landscapes

Winners of the California Academy of Sciences’ annual photo contest dove deep underwater and hiked to great heights to create these striking images. Source:…