Troubleshooting slow WiFi on Linux

I’m no stranger to diagnosing hardware problems on Linux systems. Even though most of my professional work over the past few years has involved virtualization, I still enjoy crouching under desks and fumbling around with devices and memory modules. Well, except for the “crouching under desks” part. But none of that means that persistent and mysterious bugs aren’t frustrating.

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Elementary School’s Cell Tower Removed After Four Students Diagnosed With Cancer

Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge Waking Times A Sprint cell phone tower will be removed from a California elementary school after four students and three teachers were diagnosed with cancer.  Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago – with some parents even pulling their children from school over… Continue reading Elementary School’s Cell Tower Removed After Four Students Diagnosed With Cancer

Only the Autodidact is Free

It took me quite a while to let go of the notion of NEEDING a formal university education. By the time I let go of this false notion, I had tried my hand at multiple graduate level programs, from a Masters in English with a focus on Science Fiction and Fantasy to a Masters in… Continue reading Only the Autodidact is Free