‘Major Component Malfunction’ Ends SLS Rocket Test Early. NASA Considers New Timeline

“NASA’s rocket charged with taking the agency back to the moon fired its four main engines Saturday afternoon, but the test in Mississippi was cut short after a malfunction caused an automatic abort,” reports Florida Today… “We did get an MCF on engine four,” a control room member said less than a minute into the test fire, using an initialism that…

Debian Donates 10,000 Euros to Fund Free and Decentralized Livestreaming

PeerTube (developed by Framasoft) is “the free and decentralized alternative to video platforms, providing you over 400,000 videos published by 60,000 users and viewed over 15 million times,” according to its web site. But now they’re exploring livestreaming, writes Debian developer Phil Hands (Slashdot reader #2,365): Holding DebConf20 online this year highlighted the effort involved in setting up Live Streaming using…

Greenland’s Ice Sheet has Melted to a Point of No Return

“Ice melting in Greenland contributes more than a millimeter rise to sea level every year,” reports CNN, adding that now “that’s likely to get worse.” And Forbes shares some context:
Last week, the world was given two more harsh reminders of what the future holds as residents of Italy’s Aosta valley were told to evacuate fearing that a huge portion of the…

Netflix Cancels Rebooted ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’

Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 made this year’s “Best Of” lists from both The New York Times and Rotten Tomatoes. Yet apparently their bosses didn’t like them, and have shot them into space. Forbes reports: In a controversial move poisoning Thanksgiving for many indie comedy fans, Mystery Science Theater 3000 host Jonah Ray tweeted that Netflix has cancelled the…