Weird illusion makes you think fabric is moving faster than it is

Your skin is terrible at judging how fast different textured materials are moving, highlighting a strange quirk in how the brain encodes touch Source:…

Why Are There So Many Weird Tech Patents?

Companies are constantly patenting strange things they have no intention of developing. From a report: Amazon is putting humans in cages to protect them from machines! Facebook is selling your face to advertisers so it can CGI you into ads! Sony has a system where you can skip ads if you stand up and yell the brand’s name! None of these…

Quantum weirdness isn’t real – we’ve just got space and time all wrong

A radical new idea erases quantum theory’s weird uncertainties – by ripping up all we thought we knew about how the universe works, says physicist Lee Smolin Source:…

A massive collision may have made Jupiter’s core so weird

A few years ago we learned Jupiter’s core is much messier than expected. Now simulations suggest a huge collision with a planetary embryo could explain why Source:…

Weird microbe could answer one of the biggest mysteries of evolution

It took more than a decade, but scientists have now managed to grow and study a mysterious deep-sea microbe that could explain the origin of our cells Source:…

Mysterious signals from space could teach us how dark energy works

Weird bursts of radio waves from space could be used to measure cosmic distances, which would help us learn about dark energy and the universe’s expansion Source:…