Climate Change May Have Caused a ‘Wandering’ Polar Vortex and a Colder Winter reports:
High above the North Pole, the polar vortex, a fast-spinning whirl of frigid air, is doing a weird shimmy that may soon bring cold and snowy weather to the Eastern U.S., Northern Europe and East Asia for weeks on end, meteorologists say. While it’s not unusual for the polar vortex to act up, this particular reconfiguration — wandering around and…

Possible Megacryometeor Shatters Colorado Woman’s Sunroof

One of the strangest natural phenomena I’ve had the pleasure of tracking here at MU has been incidents involving megacryometeors. These anomalous and isolated balls of ice appear to fall from cloudless skies for no apparent reason and have only begun to be recognized by the meteorological community as a genuine phenomenon. Early last year,… Read more » Source:…