US To Collect Social Media Profiles From Immigrants, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees

The Department of Homeland Security plans to expand its social media profile collection program from US visa applicants to also include data from immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. From a report: The DHS published a notice on the federal registry describing its future data collection practice this week. The agency plans to ask immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees to provide usernames…

Xiaomi Threatens Legal Action Against Users Who Call Its Mimoji App a Copycat of Apple’s Memoji

From a report: Apple’s Memoji may have become the more popular 3D avatar feature for smartphones, but Xiaomi wants people to know that its similarly-named version — Mimoji — came first, despite increasingly confusing overlap between the apps’ names and features. Moreover, it’s apparently threatening legal action against writers who call it a copycat without providing proof. In September 2017, Apple…

DIY Facial Recognition For Porn Is a Dystopian Disaster

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Vice News: Someone posting on Chinese social network Weibo claims to have used facial recognition to cross-reference women’s photos on social media with faces pulled from videos on adult platforms like Pornhub. In a Monday post on Weibo, the user, who says he’s based in Germany, claimed to have “successfully identified more than 100,000…