Is PHP Still a Worthwhile Language To Learn?

mbadolato (Slashdot reader #105,588) shares this post from Belgium-based programmer Brent Roose: It’s no secret among web developers and programmers in general: PHP doesn’t have the best reputation. Despite still being one of the most used languages to build web applications; over the years PHP has managed to get itself a reputation of messy codebases, inexperienced developers, insecure code, an inconsistent…

Self-taught web developer proves that anything is possible

Julio is a web developer now living and working in Talca, Chile. Originally from Venezuela, Julio had to move to a new country and switch careers due to the political crisis in his native Venezuela. In his own words, this is how he used Coursera to start a new life and a new career. B.C. […]
The post Self-taught web developer proves…

Mozilla and Creative Commons Want To Reimagine the Internet Without Ads, and They Have $100M To Do It

An anonymous reader shares a report: Funding online content with small consumer payments rather than intrusive and privacy-compromising ads has for years been a goal for many internet theorists and publishers. “We’re at a point where it’s clear there’s kinds of negative side effects for people and even for democracy of the data-driven ad economy that funds the internet,” says Mark…

Ask Slashdot: Why Do Popular Websites Have Bad UI Navigation?

A while back some “bored developers and designers” started uploading their ideas for the worst volume control interface in the world. But now Slashdot reader dryriver asks a more serious question: You follow a news story on CNN or BBC or FoxNews or Reuters. The frontpage of the news site changes so frequently that you wish there was a “News Timeline”…