This Australian meteor crater is oldest known, says study

“We found the world’s oldest asteroid strike in Western Australia. It might have triggered a global thaw.” Source:…

H2Go Power Seeks To Power Drones With Hydrogen

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: When you think about hydrogen and flight, the image that comes to mind for most is the Hindenburg airship in flames. But in a lab deep in the basement of Imperial College in London, a young team has built what it believes is the future of air travel. H2Go Power is seeking…

Water on giant exoplanets both common and scarce

A new study of the atmospheres of known giant exoplanets suggests that water – an essential ingredient for life – may be common on other worlds in our Milky Way galaxy. At the same, there may be less of it than astronomers once expected. Source:…

Explained! Enceladus’ enigmatic tiger stripes

How did the so-called tiger stripes – huge parallel cracks – form in the icy surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus? A new study from the Carnegie Institution for Science provides some answers. Source:…

Scientists confirm Europa’s water vapor geysers … maybe

New observations appear to confirm the existence of water vapor geysers on Europa. The findings are tantalizing, but some scientists are not convinced yet. Source:…

NASA scientists confirm water vapor on Europa

Forty years ago, a Voyager spacecraft snapped the first closeup images of Europa, one of Jupiter’s 79 moons. These revealed brownish cracks slicing the moon’s icy surface, which give Europa the look of a veiny eyeball. Missions to the outer solar system in the decades since have amassed enough additional information about Europa to make it a high-priority target of investigation…

Curiosity’s ‘mind-boggling’ new Mars mystery: oxygen

Scientists are still trying to figure out where Mars’ methane comes from. Now there’s a new mystery that might be connected: unusual fluctuations of oxygen in Mars’ atmosphere, detected by the Curiosity rover. Source:…

Quantum transition makes electrons behave as if they lack spin

The common phase transitions are those that occur as a function of temperature variation. Ice changes phase to become liquid water at 0 degrees Celsius. Liquid water changes phase to become water vapor at 100 degrees Celsius. Similarly, magnetic materials become nonmagnetic at critical temperatures. However, there are also phase transitions that do not depend on temperature. They occur in the…

Did ancient Earth life escape our solar system?

You’ve heard of panspermia, the idea that life exists throughout space and was carried to Earth by comets? What if the reverse occurred, with microbes on Earth ejected into space by asteroid impacts, escaping into the solar system billions of years ago? Source:…