Blizzard Co-Founder Mike Morhaime Launches New Gaming Endeavor Dreamhaven

Mike Morhaime, the cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment, has launched a new game company called Dreamhaven, and it has established two new game studios: Moonshot and Secret Door. VentureBeat reports: The Irvine, California-based company is a pretty good clue that Morhaime and his wife Amy Morhaime weren’t quite done with games when they left Activision Blizzard in 2018. Mike will be the…

Blizzard Now Claims Full Copyright For Player-Mode ‘Custom Game’ Mods

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: As influential as Warcraft III was in the real-time strategy genre, the game’s most enduring legacy might be as the basis for genre-defining, fan-made custom game spin-offs like Defense of the Ancients (aka Dota) and Auto Chess in its wake. Now, Blizzard is taking steps to ensure it retains complete ownership of…