Predicting a Post-Pandemic Future: Remote Working and Distance Learning?

This week Politico published predictions from 34 “big thinkers” about what the future will be like after the coronavirus pandemic. (An associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland argues that “The Reagan era is over. The widely accepted idea that government is inherently bad won’t persist after coronavirus.”) Others predict a future with voting from mobile devices…

Augmented-Reality Startup Magic Leap Reportedly Considering Selling Itself

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: Magic Leap, a mysterious maker of augmented reality glasses, is reportedly considering strategic options that include selling itself. The startup is working with an advisor to explore options such as forming a partnership or selling a stake in the company ahead of a potential listing, Bloomberg reported Wednesday, citing unidentified sources. Founded in…

Sticking fish in VR lets us study their brains as they virtually swim

Watching brain activity in fish as they try to “swim” in virtual reality helps us understand their perception abilities and how they interact with other animals Source:…

Here’s the secret to the ultimate thrill ride according to science

From roller coasters to spine-tingling virtual reality, Brendan Walker’s work is all about enhancing the enjoyment of an experience. But the perfect thrill does not come from adrenaline alone, he says Source:…

What Went Wrong With Virtual Reality?

An anonymous reader shares a report: “When I put in the earpieces and goggles the first time it was crazy – it feels so believable,” says Anna Taylor, 32, of her visit to a virtual reality (VR) arcade. “The whole experience of being immersed in a compelling virtual world is incredible.” Anna has since visited the east London arcade many times,…

Scientists Attempt To Recreate ‘Overview Effect’ From Earth

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The spectacle of Earth suspended in space was so overwhelming for Edgar Mitchell that the Apollo 14 astronaut and sixth man on the moon wanted to grab politicians by the scruff of the neck and drag them into space to witness the view. Such drastic measures may not be necessary, however. Scientists…

‘Fox News Is Now a Threat to National Security’

The network’s furthering of lies from foreign adversaries and flagrant disregard for the truth have gotten downright dangerous. Garrett M. Graff, writing for Wired earlier this month: Monday’s split-screen drama, as the House Judiciary Committee weighed impeachment charges against President Trump and as the Justice Department’s inspector general released a 476-page report on the FBI’s handling of its 2016 investigation into…

LucasFilm President Answers The Burning ‘Star Wars’ Question: What’s Next?

66-year-old Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy reveals what they’ll do after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Kennedy says that streaming “is a really important transition… What we’ve been focused on these last five or six years is finishing that family saga around the Skywalkers. Now is the time to start thinking about how to segue into something new and different.” Kennedy…

If Logged Into Facebook, Oculus VR Data Will Now Be Used For Ads

“Facebook will now use information about your Oculus activity, like which apps you use, to help provide […] more relevant content, including ads” — assuming you’ve connected your Oculus ID to your Facebook account. UploadVR reports: The company is updating its privacy policy and rolling out new social VR features backed by your “Facebook identity” with the intention of “clarifying how…