Did A Chinese State-Sponsored Group Breach Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry?

At the Black Hat security conference, researchers from the Taiwanese cybersecurity firm CyCraft revealed at least seven Taiwanese chip firms have been breached over the past two years, reports Wired:
The series of deep intrusions — called Operation Skeleton Key due to the attackers’ use of a “skeleton key injector” technique — appeared aimed at stealing as much intellectual property as possible,…

Belarus Has Shut Down the Internet Amid a Controversial Election

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Internet connectivity and cellular service in Belarus have been down since Sunday evening, after sporadic outages early that morning and throughout the day. The connectivity blackout, which also includes landline phones, appears to be a government-imposed outage that comes amid widespread protests and increasing social unrest over Belarus’ presidential election Sunday. The ongoing…

Surveillance Software Scanning File-Sharing Networks Led To 12,000 Arrests

Mr. Cooper was a retired high school history teacher using what NBC News calls those peer-to-peer networks where “the lack of corporate oversight creates the illusion of safety for people sharing illegal images.” Police were led to Cooper’s door by a forensic tool called Child Protection System, which scans file-sharing networks and chatrooms to find computers that are downloading photos and…

US Threatens To Restrict WeChat Following TikTok Backlash

Amid intense scrutiny over TikTok as a potential national security risk in the U.S., WeChat, the essential tool for Chinese people’s day-to-day life, is also taking heat from Washington. TechCrunch reports: White House trade advisor Peter Navarro told Fox Business on Sunday that “[TikTok] and WeChat are the biggest forms of censorship on the Chinese mainland, and so expect strong action…

Popcorn Time, the ‘Netflix For Piracy,’ Is Back Online

Popcorn Time, the highly popular and extremely-easy-to-use “Netflix for piracy” service, came back Tuesday after a years-long hiatus. The move comes as people around the world are quarantined or being asked to stay in their homes during the coronavirus pandemic. Motherboard reports: Popcorn Time allows people to stream movies using BitTorrent, without actually downloading the movies or worrying about finding a…

Supreme Court Rejects Apple Appeal In Patent Fight With VirnetX

New submitter John Trumpian shares a report from Reuters: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear Apple’s bid to avoid paying about $440 million in damages for using patent licensing firm VirnetX’s internet security technology without permission in features such as FaceTime video calling. The justices rejected Apple’s appeal in the long-running case in which a federal jury in…

Indian Police Open Case Against Hundreds in Kashmir For Using VPN

Local authorities in India-controlled Kashmir have opened a case against hundreds of people who used virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent a social media ban in the disputed Himalayan region in a move that has been denounced by human rights and privacy activists. From a report: Tahir Ashraf, who heads the police cyber division in Srinagar, said on Tuesday that the…

Notorious Crime Gang Targets Internet Routers Using Tomato Firmware

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Internet routers running the Tomato alternative firmware are under active attack by a self-propagating exploit that searches for devices using default credentials. When credentials are found, the exploit then makes the routers part of a botnet that’s used in a host of online attacks, researchers said on Tuesday. The Muhstik botnet came…

Australia Formally Censors Christchurch Attack Videos

“Australian internet service providers have been ordered to block eight websites hosting video of the Christchurch terrorist attacks,” according to the Guardian. Slashdot reader aberglas shares their report: In March, shortly after the Christchurch massacre, Australian telecommunications companies and internet providers began proactively blocking websites hosting the video of the Christchurch shooter murdering more than 50 people or the shooter’s manifesto….