University of Washington Lab Will Begin Testing of Thousands For COVID-19 Antibodies

GeekWire reports:
The University of Washington School of Medicine’s Virology Lab is reporting encouraging results from trial runs of a new test from Abbott Laboratories that detects the antibodies created by people who have had COVID-19, whether they knew they had it or not. “This is a really fantastic test,” Keith Jerome, who leads UW Medicine’s virology program, told reporters today. He…

A Coronavirus Vaccine ‘May Be Six Months Away’

The New York Post reports that a COVID-19 vaccine “may be six months away, according to a researcher leading a team of scientists in England.” “I think there’s a high chance that it will work based on other things that we have done with this type of vaccine,” Sarah Gilbert, a professor of virology at Oxford told The Times of London….

India Could be Next Virus Hotspot With an ‘Avalanche’ of Cases

India could become the next global hotspot for virus cases, with experts warning containment measures that proved successful elsewhere in Asia may not work in the world’s second-most populous country. From a report: The South Asian nation, which has so far reported 137 infections and three deaths, is trying to contain the virus by closing its borders, testing incoming travelers and…

Scientists Condemn Conspiracy Theories About Origin of Coronavirus Outbreak

hackingbear writes: A group of 27 prominent public health scientists from outside China, who have studied SARS-CoV-2 and “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife” just like many other viruses that have recently emerged in humans, is pushing back against a steady stream of stories and even a scientific paper suggesting a laboratory in Wuhan, China, may be the origin…

Were snakes the source of China’s coronavirus outbreak?

A report suggests that snakes – the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra – might have been the original source of the coronavirus that’s triggered an outbreak of deadly infectious respiratory illnesses in China this year. Source:…