Timing of next Virgin Galactic flight still up in the air

A window is set to open for Virgin Galactic to make another attempt at a rocket-powered flight from New Mexico to the fringe of space, but the company announced Friday it would be holding off on a new effort. Source: https://phys.org/news/2021-02-virgin-galactic-flight-air.html…

Space tourism: new test flight planned for Virgin Galactic

Space tourism company Virgin Galactic said Monday it planned a new test flight for its SpaceShipTwo craft this month after an aborted test in early December. Source: https://phys.org/news/2021-02-space-tourism-flight-virgin-galactic.html…

‘Lost connection’ hampers Virgin Galactic’s test flight (Update)

A Virgin Galactic test flight Saturday ended prematurely as the spacecraft’s rocket motor failed to ignite and it then glided down safely to its landing site in southern New Mexico. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-12-virgin-galactic-flight-mexico-site.html…

Virgin Galactic Unexpectedly Aborted a Test Flight of Its Space Plane

CNN reports:
Virgin Galactic’s supersonic rocket plane was scheduled to fire into the upper atmosphere Saturday, but after climbing more than 40,000 feet over New Mexico attached to its mothership, the space plane made an unexpected turn toward home rather than shooting skyward. The company confirmed that the space plane, which was carrying test pilots CJ Sturckow and Dave Mackay, safely landed….

Virgin Galactic makes first flight from New Mexico site

A Virgin Galactic test flight Saturday ended prematurely when the spacecraft landed safely at Spaceport America in southern New Mexico after its rocket engine failed to ignite high above the Earth. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-12-virgin-galactic-flight-mexico-site.html…

Window opens for Virgin Galactic test flight from spaceport

The window opens Friday for Virgin Galactic’s first rocket-powered test flight from Spaceport America in southern New Mexico as the company prepares for commercial flights next year. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-12-window-virgin-galactic-flight-spaceport.html…

Window opens for Virgin Galactic’s final round of testing

The window for the final round of testing of Virgin Galactic’s rocket-powered spacecraft opens later this week as the company inches toward commercial flights. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-10-window-virgin-galactic.html…