CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide: The Blog That Will Not Die

The CDC published a blog post about zombies 10 years ago and news outlets simply will not shut up about it.Source:…

How Worried Should You Be About Those Tom Cruise Deepfakes?

Are the TikTok deepfake videos of Tom Cruise doing magic and playing golf a threat to global democracy? Not exactly. “[T]he reality is that they took a lot of time, technical expertise, and the skilled performance of a real actor,” reports VICE News. “Rather than predicting a dark future of disinformation for the masses, they’re simply another example of what can…

Photographer snags shot of yellow penguin

Yves Adams took this photo of a rare yellow penguin on South Georgia Island in December 2019. It went viral this month. “It seems we are in desperate need for some mellow yellow news!” Adams said. Source:…

Man lying in hospital bed is actually a cake

Mind-boggling photographs of a cake-limbed man lying in a hospital bed have gone viral on social media. Take a close look at the photograph above – wh… Source:…

Misleading Viral Claims Show Dangers of Preprint Servers, Researchers Warn

Scientific researchers worry that the capacity for spreading misinformation “goes far beyond the big-name social media sites,” warns the Washington Post. Citing pre-print servers and unvetted “research repositories,” they note that “Any online platform without robust and potentially expensive safeguards is equally vulnerable.” “This is similar to the debate we’re having with Facebook and Twitter. To what degree are we creating…

Viral ‘I’m Not a Cat’ Filter Is Decades-Old Software

Footage of a Texan lawyer denying he was a cat as he appeared with a feline filter on a live call was created using a decades-old piece of software pre-installed on some Dell laptops. The BBC reports: The Live Cam Avatar software was also available for people to download. It is not clear how the lawyer found himself speaking through the…

The Future of Jobs is Here: 10 Courses to Take in 2021

By Betty Vandenbosch, Chief Content Officer, Coursera  As the new year unfolds, many challenges from 2020 persist: the pandemic continues to affect economies around the world and unemployment rates are still high. As we prepare to take advantage of new opportunities in 2021, professional development is top of mind for many. How can I gain […]
The post The Future of Jobs…

Airline pilot films ‘foo fighter’ UFO over Pakistan

A short clip of a strange orb-shaped object filmed from the cockpit of a passenger jet has recently gone viral. The unidentified object, which was sna… Source:…