Vint Cerf Is Working on an Internet for Outer Space

“TCP/IP doesn’t work at interplanetary distances,” 77-year-old Vinton Cerf tells Quanta magazine. “So we designed a set of protocols that do.” Specifically, bundle protocols: a disruption/delay-tolerant networking (DTN) protocol with nodes that can also store information: A data packet traveling from Earth to Jupiter might, for example, go through a relay on Mars, Cerf explained. However, when the packet arrives at…

Vint Cerf on COVID-19’s Impact on the Future of Internet

Vint Cerf on the great many lessons that the coronavirus crises has taught us about infrastructure writ large: More directly associated with COVID-19 is the need for detecting exposure and tracking contacts to reduce the spread of the disease. Mobiles and the Internet appear to have roles to play for at least some tracking and tracing system designs. The application of…

Vint Cerf Explains Why the Internet is Holding Up

In a video interview over Google Hangouts this week, 76-year-old Vint Cerf explained to the Washington Post why the internet’s 50-year-old architecture is still holding up, “with a mix of triumph and wonder in his voice.” “Resiliency and redundancy are very much a part of the Internet design,” explained Cerf, whose passion for touting the wonders of computer networking prompted Google…

Scientists Create ‘Xenobots’ — Virtual Creatures Brought to Life

“If the last few decades of progress in artificial intelligence and in molecular biology hooked up, their love child — a class of life unlike anything that has ever lived — might resemble the dark specks doing lazy laps around a petri dish in a laboratory at Tufts University.” The New York Times reports on a mind-boggling living machine that’s programmable…

Vint Cerf ‘No Longer Contagious’ With Covid-19

DevNull127 writes: Good news — VA Public Health has certified my wife and me as no longer contagious with COVID19,” tweeted 76-year-old Vint Cerf, one of the creators of the modern internet. He added one word. “Recovering!” It seemed especially appropriate that Cerf shared his news online — and that it drew positive responses from grateful people around the world, including…

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Tests Positive For Covid-19

New submitter NoMoreACs shares a report from Gizmodo: Tech pioneer Vint Cerf, one of the co-creators of the modern internet, has tested positive for covid-19, according to a tweet Cerf sent out Monday morning. The 76-year-old tweeted out a clip from HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver about the U.S. response to the global pandemic. “I tested positive for COVID-19…

The Great .ORG Heist

Sam Klein: Ethos Capital, a new commercial investment firm founded in the past few months in Boston, has 2 staff and only one major investment: a deal to acquire the 501c3 non-profit that currently runs the .org domain (valued at a few $B), for an undisclosed sum. This was initiated immediately after ICANN decided in May, over almost universal opposition, to…

Internet founder Vint Cerf looks to the next 50 years of his creation

Vint Cerf wrote the protocols that allow computers to talk to one another. Now Google’s chief internet evangelist, he argues the net is a powerful global force for good Source:…

‘Game of Thrones’ Shows Why We Need to Back Up Human Civilization

The newest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ plays on real world anxieties about data corruption and erasure.Source:…