Are the US Military’s GPS Tests Threatening Airline Safety?

Long-time Slashdot reader cusco quotes a new report from IEEE Spectrum: In August 2018, a passenger aircraft in Idaho, flying in smoky conditions, reportedly suffered GPS interference from military tests and was saved from crashing into a mountain only by the last-minute intervention of an air traffic controller. “Loss of life can happen because air traffic control and a flight crew…

YouTube Extends Trump’s Suspension For a Second Time

YouTube on Tuesday said it’s again extending its suspension of former President Donald Trump, who’s been banned from posting videos to his channel since Jan. 12. Comments on Trump’s videos will also remain disabled indefinitely. CNET reports: “In light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, the Donald J. Trump channel will remain suspended,” a YouTube spokesperson confirmed to CNET….

Amazon and Facebook Staff Warned of Threats To Safety

Amazon and Facebook have warned staff about threats to their safety amid fears of a backlash against “big tech.” From a report: Amazon Web Services (AWS) employees were told to “be vigilant” after the firm removed Parler from its web-hosting service. The app is popular with some supporters of President Donald Trump. Facebook staff were also instructed not to wear company-branded…

Pornhub Might Lose Visa and Mastercard After NYT Exposé

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Gizmodo: Last week, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof detailed the easily-searchable horrors uploaded in plain view onto Pornhub, arguing that the site goes unpunished for profiting from child sex abuse material (CSAM), sexual assault, and nonconsensual pornography (sometimes called “revenge porn.”) Now, Visa and Mastercard claim that they’re reassessing their relationship with the…

Fitness Influencer Who’d Believed Covid-19 ‘Didn’t Exist’ Dies of Covid-19

“Fitness influencer Dmitriy Stuzhuk has passed away at the age of 33 after suffering from complications related to COVID-19,” reports E! Online. The Daily Dot points out that Stuzhuk believed COVID-19 “didn’t exist” — until he caught it himself after travelling in Turkey: Stuzhuk, who boasted more than 1 million followers on Instagram, tested positive after returning home and immediately went…

A Man Caught Coronavirus Twice — and It Was Worse the Second Time

According to a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, a man in the U.S. caught COVID-19 for a second time and had a worse bout of illness. MIT Technology Review reports: The 25-year-old man tested positive for the first time on April 18, after experiencing several weeks of symptoms including sore throat, cough, headache, nausea, and diarrhea. He felt fully…

Tesla Wins Lawsuit Against Whistleblower Accused of Hacks

An anonymous reader writes: The US District Court of Nevada awarded Tesla a win in its lawsuit against a former employee, filed two years ago. You may recall CEO Elon Musk referred to this incident in a previously leaked email calling on employees to be “extremely vigilant.” Martin Tripp, who worked at the company’s Nevada Gigafactory, was accused of hacking the…