Will We Someday Write Code Just By Describing It?

Using millions of programs in online repositories, Intel, Georgia Tech, and MIT researchers created a tool called MISIM (Machine Inferred code Similarity) with a database of code scored by the similarity of its outcomes to suggest alternatives (and corrections) to programmers. The hope is “to aid developers with nitty-gritty choices like ‘what is the most efficient way to use this API’…

IRS Used Cellphone Location Data To Try To Find Suspects

The Internal Revenue Service attempted to identify and track potential criminal suspects by purchasing access to a commercial database that records the locations of millions of American cellphones. The Wall Street Journal reports: The IRS Criminal Investigation unit, or IRS CI, had a subscription to access the data in 2017 and 2018, and the way it used the data was revealed…

The End of Handshakes As a Gesture

jmcbain writes: In many societies, handshakes are a gesture of friendliness. How many times have you shaken hands when meeting new engineering professionals? Probably quite a lot. However, given what we’ve seen with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, it’s time for a new way to greet people. According to a CNBC article, Anthony Fauci, the head advisor of the USA’s task force on…

Broadband Engineers Threatened Due To 5G Coronavirus Conspiracies

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Telecoms engineers are facing verbal and physical threats during the lockdown, as baseless conspiracy theories linking coronavirus to the roll-out of 5G technology spread by celebrities such as Amanda Holden prompt members of the public to abuse those maintaining vital mobile phone and broadband networks. Facebook has removed one anti-5G group in…

Why Do Corporations Speak the Way They Do?

An anonymous reader shares a article: Anna Wiener, author of memoir “Uncanny Valley”, writes especially well — with both fluency and astonishment — about the verbal habits of her peers: “People used a sort of nonlanguage, which was neither beautiful nor especially efficient: a mash-up of business-speak with athletic and wartime metaphors, inflated with self-importance. Calls to action; front lines and…

Washington Post Writer Calls 2019 ‘The Year of OK Boomer’, Calls for Inter-Generational Kindness

“It was the year of ‘OK boomer,’ and the generations were at each other’s throats,” argues the national features writer for The Washington Post, starting with a quote from New York University’s Michael North, who studies ageism in the workplace. “Age-based prejudice is the last acceptable form of prejudice. People are making age-based generalizations and stereotypes that you wouldn’t be able…

Google Criticized After Voice From ‘Nest’ Camera Threatens to Steal Baby

Jack Newcombe, the Chief Operating Officer of a syndication company with 44 million daily readers, describes the strange voice he heard talking to his 18-month old son: She says we have a nice house and encourages the nanny to respond. She does not. The voice even jokes that she hopes we don’t change our password. I am sick to my stomach….