Cause of SpaceX Crew Dragon Explosion Revealed

On April 20, a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, designed to take humans to the ISS, exploded during a routine test fire at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The cause has now been identified as a leaky valve in a propellant pressurization system. Thelasko shares a report from CBS News: Hans Koenigsmann, SpaceX vice president of build and reliability said: “We believe…

Hacker Who Launched DDoS Attacks on Sony, EA, and Steam Gets 27 Months in Prison

An anonymous reader shares a report: A 23-year-old man from Utah was sentenced this week to 27 months in prison for a series of DDoS attacks that took down online gaming service providers like Sony’s PlayStation Network, Valve’s Steam, Microsoft’s Xbox, EA, Riot Games, Nintendo, Quake Live, DOTA2, and League of Legends servers, along with many others. Named Austin Thompson, but…

Steam Link Finally Comes To iOS, One Year After Apple Initially Rejected It

Valve’s Steam Link app, which brings streaming games to your mobile device, is now available as a free download for iOS and Apple TV. The iOS launch comes nearly one year after Apple rejected the app due to “business conflicts.” GameSpot reports: The Steam Link app promises to bring “desktop gaming to your iPhone or iPad.” Users can pair a Steam…

How to Write a Great Personal Statement for the Global MPH

Imperial College London’s School of Public Health is renowned for conducting world-class research on today’s most pressing public health issues. No matter how compelling your research findings are, it is essential to communicate them clearly in order to promote positive change. The same principle applies to your personal statement for the Global Master of Public […]
The post How to Write a…

Is It Finally the Year of ‘Linux on the Desktop’ ?

“2019 is truly, finally shaping up to be the year of Linux on the desktop,” writes PC World’s senior editor, adding “Laptops, too!” But most people won’t know it. That’s because the bones of the open-source operating system kernel will soon be baked into Windows 10 and Chrome OS, as Microsoft and Google revealed at their respective developer conferences this week……

One of the Biggest Games in the World Is a Mod of a Mod

Dota 2, like most video games, has you play the hero. Dota Auto Chess, a wildly popular mod of Dota 2, reimagines you as the head coach or general manager for a team of heroes. It features the same cast of characters—a dragon knight, a druid—but now you’re deciding whether you have money to put… Continue reading One of the Biggest Games in the World Is a Mod of a Mod

The EU Is Pissed at Steam for Region-Locking Games

Region-locking—when a publisher restricts the sale of a video game in certain markets—is a fact of life in gaming. Sometimes publishers want to avoid a cultural backlash, other times they don’t want a game to release in a region it’s not localized for. Often, games will have different prices in different regions. Now, the European… Continue reading The EU Is Pissed at Steam for Region-Locking Games