Is it OK to mix and match COVID-19 vaccines? Oxford researchers begin trial.

Amid a shortage of vaccine supplies and the threat of emerging coronavirus variants, such an approach might provide an answer for both. Source:

Covid-19 news: UK to test one dose each of different covid-19 vaccines

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

Life in the pandemic is exhausting, but there is hope for calmer times

The pressure of the pandemic risks building to burnout, but news that vaccines help stop people catching and spreading the coronavirus offers hope of release Source:…

Elon Musk Says His Start-Up Neuralink Has Wired Up a Monkey To Play Video Games Using Its Mind

Tesla boss Elon Musk said in an interview late Sunday that a monkey has been wired up to play video games with its mind by a company he founded called Neuralink. CNBC reports: Neuralink put a computer chip into the monkey’s skull and used “tiny wires” to connect it to its brain, Musk said. “It’s not an unhappy monkey,” he said…

How effective are coronavirus vaccines at stopping transmission?

Several studies suggest that coronavirus vaccines can significantly reduce transmission of the virus, but not halt it completely – so social distancing is still necessary Source:…

Covid-19 news: Two new vaccines found effective in clinical trials

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

Why Scientists Are Very Worried About the Variant From Brazil

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: New coronavirus variants seem to be cropping up everywhere. There’s one from the U.K., which is more contagious and already circulating in the United States. There’s one from South Africa, which is forcing Moderna and Pfizer to reformulate their COVID-19 vaccines and create “booster” shots, just to make sure the vaccines maintain their…

UK advisers warn that covid-19 vaccines may not cut transmission

Patrick Vallance, chief scientific adviser to the UK government, has urged caution when it comes to interpreting preliminary data from Israel on how much covid-19 vaccines can reduce transmission Source:…

UK advisers cautious about how much covid-19 vaccines cut transmission

Patrick Vallance, chief scientific adviser to the UK government, has urged caution when it comes to interpreting preliminary data from Israel on how much covid-19 vaccines can reduce transmission Source:…