Exploring the Open Source That Really Goes Into a RISC-V Chip

“Maker Andreas Spiess talks about the Open Source that really goes into a RISC-V chip and the ESP32-C3,” writes
Slashdot reader nickwinlund77 — sharing a link to this article from Hackaday: It’s an exciting time in the world of microprocessors, as the long-held promise of devices with open-source RISC-V cores is coming to fruition. Finally we might be about to see open-source…

VLC Will Get a New UI This Year With 4.0 Launch

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: News website Protocol ran an extensive piece on the history and status of the popular open source video player VLC, and the story includes new details about the next major version of the software. Among other things, VLC 4.0 will bring a complete user interface overhaul. “We modified the interface to be…

Forgotten PS1 Game ‘Magic Castle’ Finally Emerges Two Decades Later

It might have taken more than 20 years, but a game intended for the original PlayStation has at last made its way into the world. Engadget reports: A group of Japanese developers worked on Magic Castle for eight months in the late ’90s. They used Sony’s Net Yaroze, a system with which hobbyists could make games for the console. The team…

iPhones Can Now Automatically Recognize and Label Buttons and UI Features for Blind Users

Apple has always gone out of its way to build features for users with disabilities, and VoiceOver on iOS is an invaluable tool for anyone with a vision impairment — assuming every element of the interface has been manually labeled. But the company just unveiled a brand new feature that uses machine learning to identify and label every button, slider and…

Gimp Turns 25

New submitter thegreatbob shares a report: The General Image Manipulation Program, GIMP, has turned 25. A brief celebration post detailed how the package started life as a July 1995 Usenet thought bubble by then-student Peter Mattis, who posted the following to several newsgroups: Suppose someone decided to write a graphical image manipulation program (akin to photoshop). Out of curiosity (and maybe…

‘Ubuntu Web Remix’ Distro Offers Firefox-Based Chrome OS Alternative

Rudra Saraswat is the creator of the Ubuntu Unity distro (which uses the Unity interface in place of Ubuntu’s GNOME shell). But this week they released Ubuntu Web Remix, “a privacy-focused, open source alternative to Google Chrome OS/Chromium OS” using Firefox instead of Google Chrome/Chromium. Liliputing reports: If the name didn’t give it away, this operating system is based on Ubuntu,…

Google’s AI Converts Webpages Into Videos

Researchers at Google say they’ve developing an AI system that can automatically convert webpages into short videos. From a report: It extracts assets like text and images and their design styles including fonts, colors, and graphical layouts from HTML sources and organizes the assets into a sequence of shots, maintaining a look and feel similar to the source page as it…

The No-Code Generation is Arriving

An anonymous reader shares a column: In the distant past, there was a proverbial “digital divide” that bifurcated workers into those who knew how to use computers and those who didn’t. Young Gen Xers and their later millennial companions grew up with Power Macs and Wintel boxes, and that experience made them native users on how to make these technologies do…

Firefox Android Build That Caused Issues Is Working As Intended

Today, Mozilla launched the updated Firefox Android app with a version that many thought was a beta because it was full of bugs and UI issues. According to The Register, this was a deliberate software release and is the new version of Firefox for Android, which is set to hit the UK today, August 25, and the U.S. on the 27th….

Microsoft’s Transcribe in Word Gives Office 365 Subscribers 5 Hours of Transcription a Month

Last October, Microsoft unveiled a transcription feature — Transcribe in Word — that is designed to let users leverage the power of the cloud to transcribe audio. After nearly a year in development, Transcribe in Word is now generally available in U.S. English at no cost to existing Microsoft 365 subscribers. It will come to Android and iOS later this year….