Ericsson To Build ‘Fully-Automated’ 5G Factory In the US By Early 2020

Ericsson announced its plans to build a 5G factory in the U.S. sometime early next year. “The factory will be the Swedish telco equipment maker’s first fully-automated factory, the company said, and will be used to produce 5G radios designed for urban areas,” reports ZDNet. “It will also make Advanced Antenna System radios that it said are components for large-scale deployments…

Will Car-Sharing Apps Revolutionize Transportation?

We’re now living in a wrold where customers “can download smartphone apps and rent privately owned cars, usually parked a short walk away in urban areas or residential neighborhoods,” reports the Orlando Sentinel, noting that the rates can be as cheap as $5 an hour — or $400 a day if you want to spend a day driving a Ferrari, Aston…

Putting a bird feeder in your garden really does help wildlife

A long term study in the UK suggests that in urban areas, populations of birds that use bird feeders have increased while those of other species remain unchanged Source:…

5G Networks Will Likely Interfere With US Weather Satellites, Navy Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A U.S. Navy memo warns that 5G mobile networks are likely to interfere with weather satellites, and senators are urging the Federal Communications Commission to avoid issuing new spectrum licenses to wireless carriers until changes are made to prevent harms to weather forecasting. The FCC has already begun an auction of 24GHz…

65 years after Brown v. Board of Education, school segregation is getting worse


Want to Escape Global Warming? These Cities Promise Cool Relief

While climate change affects everywhere, some areas in America will be less affected than others. And some of those fortunate places, it happens, might be looking for people. Source:…

The Karmic Impact of Mass Incarceration

Morgan Leyenberger, director of Compassion Works for All, on why she fighting for criminal justice reform in Arkansas.  
The post The Karmic Impact of Mass Incarceration appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…