Global Health: Measles Outbreak Infects 695, Highest Number Since 2000

The outbreak, linked to skepticism about vaccines, has led to extraordinary measures, including $1,000 fines and bans on unvaccinated children in public. Source:…

8 things everybody should know about measles

In an unvaccinated population, one person with measles can infect 12 to 18 others. The measles virus is one of the most infectious diseases known to man. A person with measles can cough in a room and leave, and hours later, if you’re unvaccinated, you could catch the virus from the droplets in the air the… Continue reading 8 things everybody should know about measles

New York County Declares State of Emergency, Bans ALL Unvaccinated Kids From ALL Public Spaces

Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project Waking Times Rockland, NY — In one of the most shocking moves to date about the 2019 measles outbreak, Rockland County officials have declared a state of emergency and has effectively banned any child under the age of 18, who has not received the MMR vaccine, from all public… Continue reading New York County Declares State of Emergency, Bans ALL Unvaccinated Kids From ALL Public Spaces