New study details atmosphere on ‘hot Neptune’ 260 light years away that ‘shouldn’t exist’

A team led by an astronomer from the University of Kansas has crunched data from NASA’s TESS and Spitzer space telescopes to portray for the first time the atmosphere of a highly unusual kind of exoplanet dubbed a “hot Neptune.” Source:…

This date in science: Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto

Ninety years ago on this date, Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto. It was, until 2006, regarded as the ninth planet in our solar system. Source:…

Theorists suggest ‘Higgs Troika’ may have been responsible for disappearance of antimatter

A team of researchers from Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of Kansas has developed a theory to explain why there is so much more matter than antimatter in the universe. They have written a paper describing their theory and have posted it on the arXiv preprint server. …

Astrophysicists announce discovery that could rewrite story of how galaxies die

At the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in St. Louis, Missouri, Allison Kirkpatrick, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Kansas, will announce her discovery of “cold quasars”—galaxies featuring an abundance of cold gas that still can produce new stars despite having a quasar at the center—a breakthrough finding that overturns assumptions about the maturation of…

Did supernovae blasts prompt humans to walk upright?

A new study suggests a series of supernovae – peaking 2.6 million years ago – might have triggered earthly events that promoted proto-humans’ upright walking. Source:…

He Listed a T. Rex Fossil on eBay for $2.95 Million. Scientists Weren’t Thrilled.

“I own this thing,” Alan Detrich recalled telling a museum director. “It is mine. I can do whatever I want.” Source:…