Is Assange’s Arrest a Threat to the Free Press?

He deserves his fate, but it sets a dangerous precedent. Source:…

‘They Didn’t Burn Down Our Spirit’: Louisiana Black Churches Defiant Amid Fires

As the authorities investigated a series of blazes that destroyed three black churches, residents gathered Sunday with a mix of concern and defiance. Source:

It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

Pollen allergy seasons continue to get longer and more intense as temperatures rise. The weather is warming. The flowers are blooming. Noses are running. Eyes are watering. It’s allergy season yet again, and it’s already severe in states like Georgia and Tennessee. It’s shaping up to be brutal in cities like Chicago, where the frigid… Continue reading It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

To Get Trump’s Tax Returns, N.Y. Democrats Try a New Strategy

A new bill being introduced Monday in Albany would allow New York tax officials to release state tax returns to congressional committees. Source:

Editorial Observer: Facebook Wants a Faux Regulator for Internet Speech. It Won’t Happen.

Not in the United States, anyway. Source:

With Indigenous Languages in Steep Decline, Summer Camps Offer Hope

An immersion camp in California that aims to revitalize Hupa is part of a growing worldwide effort to revive endangered languages. Source:

Nuclear Power Can Save the World

Expanding the technology is the fastest way to slash greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonize the economy. Source:

25 Years Later, Rwanda Grapples With Legacy of Genocide and Questions of Blame

As world leaders have expressed regret over failing to stop the massacre of as many as one million people in Rwanda, its president, Paul Kagame, has entrenched his power and punished dissent. Source: