Astronomers Continue to Observe Strange and Mysterious Satellite Behavior

Satellite anomalies and other examples of spaceborne intrigue continue to add up, suggesting that the looming war in space might be getting closer to hot than we think. In late March 2019, India blew up a satellite in orbit with a missile, littering near-orbits with debris. The display was intended as a show of force… Read more » Source:…

What to expect on the Mueller report’s release day


Bad Bots Now Make Up 20 Percent of Web Traffic

So-called “bad bots,” tasked with performing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or other malicious activities like automatically publishing fake content or reviews, are estimated to make up roughly 37.9 percent of all internet traffic. “In 2018, one in five website requests — 20.4 percent — of traffic was generated by bad bots alone,” reports ZDNet, citing Distil Networks’ latest bot report, “Bad Bot…

Pepsi Drops Plans To Use Artificial Constellation To Promote An Energy Drink

Just days after Pepsi announced that it would advertise its products in space using a Russian startup, the company now says it will no longer pursue the plans, avoiding what likely would have resulted in significant public criticism. Slashdot reader schwit1 shares a report from SpaceNews: The publication Futurism reported April 13 that PepsiCo’s Russian subsidiary was working with a startup…

Presidential Candidate John Delaney Wants To Create a Department of Cybersecurity

On Tuesday, former Maryland representative and 2020 presidential candidate John Delaney announced a plan to create a Department of Cybersecurity that “would be led by a cabinet-level secretary who would be in charge of implementing the United States’ cybersecurity strategy,” reports The Verge. “The proposal is the first major cybersecurity push from any presidential candidate so far this cycle.” From…

Russia Adopts Bill That Would Expand Government Control Over the Internet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ABC News: Russia’s lower chamber of parliament has adopted a bill that would expand government control over the internet, raising fears of widespread censorship. The State Duma on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to support the bill, which still has to be approved by the upper chamber of Russian Parliament and signed into the law…

Who wants to pay taxes?

A lot of people do, at least when they have direct input on how governments spend their money. April 15 is tax day in the United States and complaints about taxation this time of year are legion. Americans tend to be upset around tax time for a basic reason: We broadly believe that the government… Continue reading Who wants to pay taxes?

From Dead to Dead 2: Monstrously Good Movies!

Well, it kind of looks like I’m on a bit of a zombie kick right now. Admittedly, that does happen now and again. The same thing happens with Japanese monster movies, too, but I digress! That’s a story for another day. Today, I’m going to highlight two of my favorite zombie-themed movies that I consider… Continue reading From Dead to Dead 2: Monstrously Good Movies!