New U.S. Sanctions Seek to Block Venezuelan Oil Shipments to Cuba

The sanctions, senior administration officials said, could force a “recalibration” of Venezuela’s relationship with Cuba, which has been defending the government of President Nicolás Maduro. Source:

2 U.S. Dual Citizens Held in Saudi Crackdown on Dissent, Rights Groups Say

At least eight intellectuals, writers or activists have been arrested in Saudi Arabia in recent days, including two with American as well as Saudi citizenship, the groups said on Friday. Source:

One Trump Victory: Companies Rethink China

The trade war is nearing a possible truce, but global companies are nevertheless moving to reduce their dependence on Chinese factories to make the world’s goods. Source:

Nonfiction: New Directions for American Foreign Policy

Bernard-Henri Lévy’s “The Empire and the Five Kings” and Ted Galen Carpenter’s “Gullible Superpower” offer conflicting advice on where we should go from here. Source:

News Analysis: As NATO Envoys Celebrate, Signs of Fracturing From Within

One European diplomat compared the celebration of the alliance turning 70 to showing up at a birthday party and discovering you were attending a wake. Source:

Trump Poised to Announce China Summit Meeting as Trade Deal Nears Completion

The president is expected to announce plans for a summit meeting President Xi Jinping of China, though the two sides have not finalized a trade deal. Source:

With Trump, NATO Chief Tries to Navigate Spending Minefields

Jens Stoltenberg is the European leader who has shown the most deft hand with President Trump. But his credit of the president for spending increases has annoyed fellow European officials. Source:

Iran Says Trump’s Sanctions Have Frustrated Flood Relief Efforts

Iran said sanctions renewed by Mr. Trump had impeded international aid groups from sending assistance to victims. The State Department denied the accusation. Source:

Russia’s Military Mission Creep Advances to a New Front: Africa

In an influence campaign that is worrying the Pentagon, Russia’s weapons sales, military training programs and security agreements are growing across Africa. Source: