Mnuchin Says China Trade Talks Are Nearing Final Round

The Treasury secretary said China would have the right to enforce United States commitments. Source:…

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, Is Arrested in London

Mr. Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in 2012. He faces a British charge of skipping bail and is wanted in the United States on charges of releasing secret documents.

Turkey Must Choose Between the U.S. and Russia

If Turkey accepts delivery of a Russian S-400 missile system, it will be sanctioned as required by American law. Source:

Pompeo Bars 16 Saudis From U.S. in Response to Khashoggi Killing

The list included one of Prince Mohammed’s closest aides, but not the prince himself, despite U.S. intelligence agencies concluding he was responsible for sending the team to kill Jamal Khashoggi. Source:

News Analysis: In Trump, Netanyahu Sees an Ally Who Helps Him Push the Envelope

President Trump has given Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the political cover to embrace a position that critics say would all but extinguish the dream of a viable Palestinian state. Source:

Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a Foreign Terrorist Group

The designation is the first one by the United States against part of a foreign government. The Pentagon and C.I.A. oppose the move, citing risks to Americans. Source:

Trump Ends Deal Between M.L.B. and Cuban Baseball Federation

The Trump administration declared that the deal violated trade laws because the Cuban federation was part of the government in Havana. Source:

Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a Foreign Terrorist Group

Top Pentagon and C.I.A. officials oppose the designation for the unit, which has carried out military operations across the Middle East. Source:

U.S. Military Pulls Out of Libyan Capital as Rival Militias Battle

Forces under the command of an aspiring strongman, Gen. Khalifa Hifter, advanced on Tripoli as rival factions attacked from the air for control of the capital, the repository of Libya’s oil revenue. Source:

Threats From Trump Often Fall Short

The president has issued threats to foreign countries, domestic corporations and an American state. Then, he retreated. Source: