Turkish Researchers Discover What Could Be The World’s Oldest Shipwreck

A team of Turkish underwater researchers have discovered what they believe is the world’s oldest shipwreck from 1600 B.C. According to the Provincial Governor’s Office, the 3,600-year-old Bronze Age shipwreck was found off the shores of the Antalya province in southern Turkey. Members of the Antalya University’s Underwater Research Department discovered the 14-meter-long (or 46… Continue reading Turkish Researchers Discover What Could Be The World’s Oldest Shipwreck

Artifacts Found In Lake Titicaca Reveal Mysterious Ancient Religion

A reef in the middle of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia was the location where many people’s valuable items were placed approximately 1,200 years ago. Underwater archaeologists discovered the ancient items in 2013 and now they believe that they finally know what they represented many years ago – a mysterious religion that is believed to have… Continue reading Artifacts Found In Lake Titicaca Reveal Mysterious Ancient Religion